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Research Progress in the Processing of Salted Achyranthes Bidentata Based on the Theory of "Salt Made into Kidney"
中文关键词: 炮制;盐牛膝;盐制入肾;机制;性味功效
英文关键词: Processing; Salt-processing Achyranthis Bidentatae Radix; Salt Made into Kidney; Mechanism; Flavor and Efficacy
基金项目:江西省中药标准化计划项目(2020B01,2020B04);中药炮制技术传承创新团队项目(CXTD22003);建昌帮特色饮片炮制工艺及质量标准规范化研究项目(XMBH00031);中药炮制(炆法)等关键技术重点研究室项目(赣中医药科教字[2022]8 号)
摘要点击次数: 520
全文下载次数: 499
      不同中药都有其各自的性味及归经,但多数药物存在一药多味、一药归多经的特点。为使药物直达病所,常使用特定的 辅料炮制药材,引药归经,使得药物效强力专,保证临床疗效。盐是常用的炮制辅料之一,且盐有引药入肾的作用,故古代医家 常使用盐作为辅料炮制具有补肾作用的药物。牛膝具有补肝肾、强筋骨之功,也常采用盐制,以达到引药入肾的目的。在梳理 牛膝炮制历史和盐制入肾古代及现代研究的基础上,收集了部分含有盐牛膝的古方,结合盐牛膝现代研究,从化学成分、药理药 效变化等方面,总结盐牛膝“入肾”的炮制机理,为进一步研究盐牛膝炮制机理奠定基础,为研究中药盐制的共性规律提供思路
      While different traditional Chinese medicines generally have separate four properties, five tastes and channel distribution, the majority of medicines can possess multiple flavors and act on multiple meridians. In order to realize an accurate pharmaceutical effect at the affected site, specific subsidiary materials are usually used to process traditional Chinese medicines, which play a role in enhancing the efficacy of a dose of medicine, thereby achieving targeted treatment with a strong effect, and ensuring the clinical efficacy. Salt is one of the common subsidiary materials for processing medicinal materials in traditional Chinese medicine. It also has the effect of introducing medicine to act on the kidney meridian. Therefore, salt was commonly used as a subsidiary material by Chinese ancient physicians to prepare medicinal materials with kidney-tonifying effects. Achyranthis bidentatae Radix(ABR) with the function of nourishing the liver and kidneys and strengthening muscles and bones, is usually prepared with salt to achieve the purpose of acting on the kidney meridian. Simultaneously, based on modern research, this study summarized the processing mechanism of "acting on the kidney" of salt-processed products of ABR from aspects of chemical composition and pharmacological changes. This study is expected to lay the foundation for further research on the processing mechanism of salt-processed products of ABR, and provide additional insights into exploring the common rules of traditional Chinese medicine processing with salt.
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