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Brief Discussion on the Three Sides of Ideological and Political Education for the Course of Ancient Medical Literature
中文关键词: 医古文;课程思政;教育教学
英文关键词: Ancient Medical Literature; Ideological and Political Education; Education and Teaching
摘要点击次数: 515
全文下载次数: 471
      医古文作为医学类专业基础课之一,与思政教育联系紧密。课程本身蕴涵着丰富的传统文化元素和思政元素,我们 在教育教学中更可以发挥“文以载道”“以文化人”的独特学科优势,紧扣课程教学内容和特点,结合时事热点,努力做好 医古文课程思政教育。现从医德医风教育、使命担当教育及科学精神教育“三育合一”角度对医古文课程思政展开论述,探 讨在教育教学实践中不断提高“立德树人”成效的方式方法。
      As one of the fundamental courses in medical specialization, ancient medical literature is intricately intertwined with ideological and political education. The course itself encompasses a wealth of traditional cultural elements as well as ideological and political components. In the realm of education and teaching, we can fully leverage the unique disciplinary advantages of the thoughts of "writing conveying truth" and "humanistic philosophy", closely align with the teaching content and characteristics of the course, integrate current affairs, and strive to excel in ideological and political education within the curriculum on ancient medical literature. This paper explores the ideological and political aspects of the course from perspectives such as medical ethics education, mission responsibility education, and scientific spirit education. Furthermore, it discusses approaches and methods to continuously enhance the effectiveness of moral cultivation in educational practice.
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