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Thinking on the Development of Chinese Medicine Dietotherapy Industry under the Background of Great Health
中文关键词: 健康中国;中医药食疗产业;创新发展
英文关键词: Healthy China; Chinese Medicine Dietotherapy Industry;Innovation and Development
摘要点击次数: 531
全文下载次数: 494
      在大健康背景下,国家高度重视中医药在建设健康中国的积极作用,中医药的养生保健作用成为研究热点,中医药 食疗产业凭借中医药食疗理论优势、坚定正确的政策支持与尚未深入开发的消费市场,迎来巨大的发展机遇,同样面对许 多挑战。现就中医药食疗产业的发展现状、相关建议和未来展望 3 个部分,从国家政策引导、食疗行业标准、食疗科学研发、 食疗市场培育等方面探讨中医药食疗产业传承创新发展的战略方针,为中医药食疗产业发展提出建议,以期助力健康中国 建设
      With the advent of the great health era, the state attaches great importance to the active role of Chinese medicine in building a healthy China, with the advantages of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) dietetic theory, firm and correct policy support and undeveloped consumer market, TCM dietetic industry has a great opportunity for development, but it still faces many challenges. The article is divided into three parts: the current situation of the development of Chinese Medicine dietotherapy industry, relevant suggestions and the prospect of the future. This paper probes into the strategic guidelines for the inheritance and innovative development of the Chinese medicine dietotherapy industry from the aspects of national policy guidance, dietotherapy industry standards, dietotherapy scientific research and development, and dietotherapy market cultivation, and puts forward suggestions for the development of Chinese Medicine dietotherapy industry, with a view to contributing to the building of a healthy China
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