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Investigation on the Prescription and Preparation Technology of Puerarin Nanoparticles
中文关键词: 壳聚糖;3- 羧基苯硼酸;葛根素;纳米粒;制备工艺
英文关键词: Chitosan; 3- carboxyl Phenylboronic Acid; Puerarin; Nanoparticles; Preparation Process
摘要点击次数: 509
全文下载次数: 490
      目的:考察苯硼酸化壳聚糖载葛根素纳米粒(PBACS-TPP-Pur-NPs)的处方及其制备工艺。方法:采用离子凝胶化 法制备 PBACS-TPP-Pur-NPs,以粒径、PDI、电位、包封率、载药量为评价指标,考察的因素主要包括 3- 羧基苯硼酸化壳聚 糖(PBACS)的取代度、PBACS 的浓度、三聚磷酸钠(TPP)的浓度、PBACS 的 pH、搅拌转速和搅拌时间。筛选出最优处方 工艺,并对优化所得纳米粒的基本性质和体外释药性能进行表征评价。结果:制备 PBACS-TPP-Pur-NPs 的最佳处方工艺为 PBACS 浓度为 1.5 mg/mL,TPP 浓度为 1.4 mg/mL,PBACS 的 pH 为 5.5,搅拌转速为 390.0 r/min,搅拌时间为 30 min。优化所 得的 PBACS-TPP-Pur-NPs 粒径适中均一、载药能力强、稳定性良好、具有明显的缓释特征。结论:该方法有效可行,适用于 优化葛根素纳米粒的处方与制备工艺,为葛根素纳米制剂的开发提供稳定基础
      Objective: To investigate the formulation and preparation process of phenyl borated chitosan-loaded Puerarin nanoparticles (PBACS-TPP-Pur-NPs). Methods: PBACS-TPP-Pur-NPs were prepared by ion gelation method. With the particle size, PDI, potential, encapsulation efficiency and drug loading rate as evaluation indicators. The factors investigated mainly included: degree of substitution of 3-carboxyphenyl borated chitosan (PBACS), concentration of PBACS, concentration of sodium tripolyphosphate (TPP), pH of PBACS, stirring speed and stirring time. The optimal formulation process was screened out, and the basic properties and in vitro drug release performance of the optimized nanoparticles were characterized and evaluated. Results: The optimized PBACS-TPP-Pur-NPs had moderate and uniform formulation process for preparing PBACS-TPP-Pur-NPs was as follows: the concentration of PBACS was 1.5 mg/mL, the concentration of TPP was 1.4 mg/mL, the pH of modified chitosan was 5.5, the stirring speed was 390.0 r/min, and the stirring time was 30 min. The prepared PBACS-TPP-Pur-NPs have moderate and uniform particle size, strong drug loading capacity, good stability, and obvious slow-release characteristics. Conclusion: The method is effective and feasible, which is suitable for optimizing the formulation and preparation process of Puerarin loaded nanoparticles, and provides a stable basis for the development of Puerarin nanoparticles.
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