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LI Weiwei's Clinical Experience in Treating Autumn Cough in Children
中文关键词: 秋季咳嗽;桑杏石甘汤;儿科;燥湿并存;临床经验
英文关键词: Autumn Cough; Sang Xing Shi Gan Decoction; Department of Pediatrics; Dryness and Dampness Coexist; Clinical Experience
基金项目:中医药人才队伍建设专项经费 - 广西名中医工作室建设项目(2021022-001-08)。
摘要点击次数: 520
全文下载次数: 501
      秋季咳嗽以燥邪犯肺为主,导致肺失宣发肃降之功,气机失调,肺气上逆发为咳嗽,治疗上应清肺润燥,宣降相宜。因 小儿脾常不足,运化功能不全,加之秋季长夏湿土之气未尽,脾湿与肺燥并存;肝常有余,木火刑金,致肺气更虚,故小儿秋季咳 嗽缠绵难愈,临床上除宣肺润燥止咳外,还应健脾消食,除湿化痰,抑木扶土,用自拟方“桑杏石甘汤”加减,临床取得较好疗效。
      Autumn cough is mainly caused by dryness evil invading the lung, which leads to the loss of the function of Xuanfa and descending of the lung, the disorder of Qi, and the inverse occurrence of lung Qi for cough. Children's spleen is often insufficient, transport and chemical function is not complete, coupled with autumn long summer wet soil Qi is not exhausted, spleen moisture and lung dryness coexist; liver often has surplus, wood fire gold, causing lung Qi more deficiency, so children's autumn cough is difficult to heal. In clinical practice, in addition to promoting lung and moistening dryness and relieving cough, it is also necessary to strengthen the spleen and digest food, remove dampness and phlegm, suppress wood and support soil, and use the self formulated formula "Sang Xing Shi Gan Decotion" with modifications to achieve good clinical efficacy.
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