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Analysis of the Clinical Application on Neiting Acupoint in Zhenjiu Dacheng
中文关键词: 针灸大成;内庭穴;临床应用
英文关键词: Zhenjiu Dacheng; Neiting Acupoint; Clinical Application
基金项目:国家自然科学基金面上项目(81973933);安徽省第十三批 115 产业创新团队“针药结合防治脑病创新团队”项目(皖人才办 [2020]4 号); 安徽省临床医学研究转化专项(202304295107020103);安徽省名中医王颖工作室建设项目(中发展[2022]5 号);广州市针灸医院 1+N 建设项目 联盟单位(穗卫函[2022]2644 号);广州市中医优势专科建设项目(穗卫函[2023]2316 号);安徽中医药大学自然科学项目(2020ybzc06)
摘要点击次数: 536
全文下载次数: 510
      内庭穴作为足阳明胃经的荥穴,不仅能治疗胃经病,还能治疗阳明郁热引起的皮肤病症。脾胃为后天之本,针刺内 庭穴善治后天不足引起的病症。《针灸大成》中关于内庭穴主治证候的记载颇多,通过总结后可归纳为足病、脾胃病、头面 五官疾病、皮肤病、水肿及妇科病。杨氏在书中虽对内庭穴进行了较为详尽地记载,但在临床运用时还需要根据疾病的不同 情况,灵活变通地选择针刺和艾灸方法、补泻手法以及配伍腧穴等。
      As the acupoint of the Zhuyang Ming stomach meridian, the Neiting acupoint can not only treat gastric meridian diseases, but also treat skin diseases caused by Yangming depression. The spleen and stomach being the basis of the acquired nature, acupuncture on the Neiting acupoint is good for curing diseases caused by the deficiency of the acquired nature. There are many records in the Zhenjiu Dacheng about the main symptoms of the Neiting acupoint, which can be summarized as pedopathy, spleen and stomach disease, head and facial diseases, skin diseases, edema and gynecological diseases. Although Yang has made a more detailed record of the Neiting acupoints in the book, when applying them in clinical practice, it is also necessary to flexibly choose acupuncture and moxibustion methods, laxative techniques and matching acupoints according to the different conditions of the disease.
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